Lenten Quiet day
Saturday, March 30, 10 am - 3 pm. A day of reflection, prayer, meditation and worship, with focus on the theme of the wilderness experience. Please RSVP to the church office so that we know roughly how many to expect: Participants are asked to bring their own lunch. Coffee and tea will be provided.
Cost: free-will offering (all donations go towards the West Island Women’s Shelter)
final friday youth group
Are you or is a young person that you know exploring some of life's big questions and searching for meaning and purpose? Would you / they like to connect with others who share similar questions?
If you're an Anglican youth—or simply curious about the Anglican faith—you’re invited to join a series of fun, faith-filled gatherings designed specifically for young people like you!
We’ll meet on the last Friday of each month for dinner, games, and meaningful opportunities to grow in faith and community.
Come as you are, bring your questions and your appetite - we are eating dinner together, and be a part of the journey!
a benefit Concert & Food drive for West Island Food Banks
Ensemble Musica Ourania presents "Musica Lodi" – a benefit Concert & Food drive for West Island Food Banks!
7:30pm, Jan 24th at Christ Church Beaurepaire, Beaconsfield
The concert will include Sacred Cantatas & Sonatas for soprano voice and historical instruments. These musical gems from 17th century Italy include compositions by Bertoli, Caccini, Castello, Fontana, Marini, Merula, Riccio & Uccellini.
Ensemble Musica Ourania:
Rebecca Dowd Lekx, soprano
Peter Lekx, baroque violin
Alexa Raine-Wright, recorders
Karim Nasir, dulcian
Jonathan Addleman, harpsichord
Suggested $20 donation per person, 50% of all donations to be distributed to local food banks. Additionally, non-perishable food donations will be gratefully received at the door for distribution by the parish to food banks in the West Island.
All ages are welcome to this Baroque music concert.
We look forward to seeing you there!
christmas schedule
Dec. 6, 7 pm: Wassail – Carol sing-along & festive refreshments
Dec. 20, 5 pm Supper Club - All ages supper, music, Bible readings & activities
Dec. 20, 8 pm: Blue Christmas - a service for those suffering from pain, loss or sadness during the holidays
Dec. 22, 10 am: Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
Dec. 22, 4 pm: Paws&Pray Christmas - bring your dog to church!
Dec. 24, 4 pm: Christmas Eve family service & Christmas pageant
Dec. 24, 8 pm: Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Christmas COMMUNITY Choir
A fun short-term singing project for all ages, with 4 rehearsals in December: 1) Sunday, December 8, 9:00 - 9:45 am; 2) Thursday, December 12, 7:00 - 8:30 pm; 3) Sunday, December 15, 9:00 - 9:45 am; 4) Saturday, December 21, 10:00 - 12:00 ("dress-rehearsal"). Performance: Sunday, December 22, 10-11:30 am: Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols. To participate, send an email to the church office. Download a poster with more details here
Wassail Carols Sing-Along
Get into the Christmas Spirit with Christmas music and carol singing, followed by a festive reception! Friday, December 6, 7:00 pm. The Wassail 2024 will have a special feature: a sing-along Hallelujah chorus from Handel’s Messiah, with a short optional rehearsal at 6:30 for people who will sing the Hallelujah Chorus (otherwise, you can come before 7:00). No sign-in required. More information here:
ccb history book is available
At Christ Church Beaurepaire's Centennial celebration we launched a new parish history book. This 56-page full colour book was compiled and written by Dr. Michael Silverthorne and designed by Yevgeniya Amis. This informative and attractive volume is available for purchase for $20 -- a must-have memento and collector's item! The book may be purchased after the 10:00 service on Sundays or at other times upon request.
centennial celebration!
In 2024 Christ Church Beaurepaire celebrates 100 years as a parish! Our celebrations will culminate with a centennial service on September 15 (4:00 pm) presided over by Bishop Mary Irwin-Gibson, followed by a festive potluck dinner! A Sunday afternoon was chosen to encourage members (and clergy!) of other parishes and churches to join us.
As a nod to our founding year of 1924, you are invited to dress in 1920s style if you wish! (if you can't manage 1920s, early 1960s is a second option, as our current church building opened in 1963)
Come celebrate with us!
Centennial Fundraising Concert
A CCB Centennial Fundraising Concert will be held on Saturday, June 8, at 7:00 pm, at Christ Church Beaurepaire. The Concert will feature the Katarina String Quartet, a group of young musicians who are the recent First Prize Winners of the Canadian Music Competition, and Grand Prize Winners of the 2022 McGill Chamber Music Competition. The Katarina String Quartet is the new graduate resident string quartet at the Juilliard School in New York. Suggested donation $20.
Big Give food drive
The annual Big Give food drive to benefit organizations on the West Island and in downtown Montreal takes place June 1st (11 am - 2 pm) at Christ Church Beaurepaire in Beaconsfield. The church is organizing the drive as part of the national Big Give movement to connect churches with their neighbourhoods. Last year, the event delivered seven vans full of food to On Rock Community Services, the West Island Assistance Fund, the West Island Mission and St. Michael’s Mission. All details here:
Holy Week and Easter schedule
Easter Sunday
Festive choral Eucharist (Mass) for Easter Sunday.
Children of all ages (including families with small children) are most welcome, as are visitors, newcomers and spiritual seekers!
the Great Vigil of Easter
Join us for this community celebration of the victory of Life over Death! The Easter Vigil celebrates the most holy night of the Christian year - the night when we rejoice at the victory of Life over Death, and Light overcoming Darkness.
Good Friday
A solemn service of prayers and meditations on the Cross for Good Friday. There will be no Communion, as Holy Communion is not celebrated between Maundy Thursday and the Easter Vigil.
Holy Week Overnight Youth Retreat
This Holy Week, join together with youth from the West Island (and beyond!) for an overnight youth retreat (ages 12+). Hosted by All Saints by the Lake in Dorval and Christ Church, Beaurepaire in Beaconsfield, the retreat will include worship, fun activities, & keeping watch through the night with Jesus; meals will be provided (dinner & breakfast).
Maundy Thursday
Commemoration of the Last Supper and washing of the disciples feet. The service concludes with the solemn stripping of the altar in preparation for Good Friday.
Paws&Pray Easter
Bring your dog with you to this service of Holy Communion (and blessed dog treats for your canine companions) as we begin Holy Week and anticipate the joyous season of Easter. Blessed palm crosses will be available.
palm sunday
An intergenerational (child-friendly) service, so there will be no separate Sunday School.
Blessed palms crosses will be available.
All are invited for coffee and fellowship in the parish hall after the service.
Lenten Quiet Day: “I am the Resurrection and the Life”
Come for a quiet day of reflection, prayer, meditation and worship, as we meditate upon the “I am” statements of St. John’s Gospel on our Lenten journey towards Holy Week. Please RSVP with the church office so that we know roughly how many to expect: Participants are asked to bring a lunch. Coffee and tea will be provided. Cost: free-will offering (donations will go towards the West Island Women’s Shelter). March 16, 2024, 10 am — 3 pm
christmas eve candlelight service
Christmas Eve candlelight service (mass) featuring Holy Communion, festive carols and a Christmas message from the Rev. Joel Amis.
Sunday, December 24, 7 pm
festival of nine lessons and carols
Traditional Anglican service* of readings and Christmas carols, featuring Christ Church Beaurepaire's Christmas Choir!
*There will be no Communion or sermon at this service - Holy Communion will be celebrated at the 7:00 pm Christmas Eve Service
Sunday, December 24, 10 am
blue christmas
A gentle, contemplative service for those who are experiencing pain, grief, loss, sadness or loneliness during the holiday season. This service, held during the darkest time of the year, features Holy Communion, candle lighting, and meditative seasonal music as we welcome God's healing, comforting Light into our world and into our hearts.
Wednesday, December 20, 7 pm.
paws&pray christmas
Celebrate Christmas with your dog at church! Get into the true spirit of the season as we celebrate the coming of the Christ Light into the world. Paws&Pray is a traditional service of Holy Communion (mass) where humans can worship alongside their dogs (Communion for humans, blessed dog treats for dogs).
Sunday, Dec. 17, 4 pm
Christmas pageant
Christ Church Beaurepaire's annual children's nativity play! The Sunday service (10:00) will be a hybrid one: we will begin with an abbreviated service of Holy Communion in the church, then we will continue with the nativity play in the parish hall. Afterwards we'll share a potluck meal together. All welcome! Bring your favourite dish to share! Desserts will be provided.
Sunday, December 17, 10 am.
wassail 2023: we raised the roof!
Over 150 people attended our traditional Wassail carol sing-along service. The extended choir included choristers from most Anglican parishes on the West Island (All Saints by the Lake, St. Michael and All Angels, St. John the Baptist, St. George’s and, of course, Christ Church Beaurepaire). There were even choristers from other denominations (e.g., Briarwood Presbyterian). The Hallelujah chorus from Handel’s Messiah was the special feature (presented in collaboration with All Saints by the Lake and the expanded choir). Many thanks to all who made the event success that it was! Approx. $730 was collected for the Christmas Baskets Program for families on the West Island in need.
all souls day requiem
A special service (Mass - Holy Communion) to commemorate and pray for all who have died, especially those who have died in the past year. All are welcome regardless of church affiliation.
If you'd like for the names of your departed loved ones to be read aloud during the service, please submit their names to the church office in advance: christchurch @
Please indicate if the death occurred in the past year, as those who have died in the past year will be commemorated with individual candles.
Fall festival!
Come join your friends and neighbours in a festive, family-friendly fall celebration! Dress in your favourite non-scary costume, earn candy tokens at games like pumpkin bowling, apple relay races, scavenger hunts, and more. There will also be a self-serve chili bar (veg/meat options), seasonal baked goods, and warm drinks. Best? It’s FREE! We can’t wait to see you there! Friday, October 27, 2023: 5 pm - 8 pm.
mapping of the ground we stand on
Following the Truth And Reconciliation Commission’s recommendations, this interactive workshop was developed by PWRDF (Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund - Anglican Church of Canada) to give Canadians the opportunity to learn and explore indigenous presence and settler arrival on the map of Turtle Island/Canada. There is a suggested donation of $25. Proceeds will go to the PWRDF Canada emergency relief response for victims of wildfires. Space is limited - you must register in advance! Email christchurch @ if you plan to attend. Saturday, October 14, 2023, 1 pm.
thanksgiving food drive
Christ Church Beaurepaire will be collecting food items (non-perishable) for our local West Island food banks (though this is a special push for Thanksgiving, we collect food every Sunday at our 10:00 am service). After you drop off your food items in the entryway of the church you're most welcome to stay for our Thanksgiving service at 10:00 am! Sunday, October 9, 2023.
St. Francis Day: Pet Blessing, Bible Story Walk and Paws&pray!
Come celebrate God's good creation with three special events for the whole family (humans of ALL ages and pets!):
4:00 pm - blessing of pets (all pets welcome!)
4:00 pm - Bible Story Walk launch event
4:30 pm - Paws&Pray: dog-friendly mass
Bible Story Walk is a child-friendly travelling outdoor art installation telling the creation story in English and French. Bible Story Walk will be hosted at Christ Church Beaurepaire in our beautiful natural setting for the month of October.
Paws&Pray is a service of Holy Communion (Communion for humans and blessed dog treats for dogs) where humans can worship alongside their canine companions in the church.
We'll be celebrating Michaelmas - the feast of St. Michael and All Angels - with a healing Eucharist (St. Michael is the patron saint of healing and protection). Those who wish to do so may receive anointing with holy oil, laying on of hands and healing prayer. Diocesan Lay Reader Karen Birkett will be preaching and the Rev. Joel Amis will be presiding at Holy Eucharist. Sunday School for children is available.
Coffee fellowship follows the service.
Wherever you find yourself on your spiritual path, you are most welcome!
lakeshore ecumenical outdoor service
Christ Church Beaurepaire, Briarwood Presbyterian, and Merging Waters United will join together for our traditional ecumenical service at Fritz Farm (by the bandstand/gazebo) in Baie-D'Urfé. In the event of rain we will meet at Union United in Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue. Please note that there will be no services at Christ Church, Briarwood and Merging Waters on this Sunday - we will all be at the ecumenical service. Normal Sunday services will resume on July 2nd.
Corpus Christi Sunday + Parish Picnic
Corpus Christi Sunday Everyone is invited to our annual summer parish potluck picnic that will follow the Corpus Christi Sunday service. It will take place immediately following the service. Invite your family, friends and neighbours! And please bring a dish to share!
big give 2023: june 3, 11 am - 2 pm
Christ Church Beaurepaire will be collecting food for the West Island Mission, On Rock Community Services, & St. Michael's Mission as part of the annual Big Give. Please drop your items off at Christ Church Beaurepaire between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm on June 3.
Paws&Pray Pentecost Celebration
Bring your dog to church! After Christmas and Easter, Pentecost is the next most important holiday of the Christian year. On Pentecost we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit - God's living presence in creation and in us - and the birthday of the Church. All dogs, dog companions and dog lovers (with or without a dog) are warmly invited to this special service. Wear something red (your dog, you or both of you!) to represent the Holy Spirit! 🔥
Note: this will be the last Paws&Pray service before the summer break.
Sunday, May 28th, 2023, 4 pm
Easter Sunday
Festive choral Eucharist (Mass) for Easter Sunday. The Rev. Joel Amis will be preaching and presiding at Holy Eucharist. This is an in-person service which is also broadcast live on the CCB Facebook page.
The Great Vigil of Easter
Join us for this community celebration of the Resurrection! The Easter Vigil celebrates the most holy night of the Christian year - the night when we rejoice at the victory of Life over Death, and Light overcoming Darkness. This moving candlelight celebration begins with the lighting of the Easter Fire and Paschal Candle, followed by solemn procession into the church, and culminates with the festive first mass of Easter.
Good Friday
A solemn service* of prayers and meditations on the Cross for Good Friday. This is a joint service with St. John the Baptist (Pointe-Claire) and will feature a combined choir.
*There will be no Communion, as Holy Communion is not celebrated between Maundy Thursday and the Easter Vigil.
Maundy Thursday
Commemoration of the Last Supper and washing of the disciples feet. The service concludes with the solemn stripping of the altar in preparation for Good Friday. This is a joint service with St. John the Baptist (Pointe-Claire) and will feature a combined choir.
Paws&Pray in Holy Week
Bring your dog with you to this service of Holy Communion (and blessed dog treats for your canine companions) as we begin Holy Week and anticipate the joyous season of Easter. Blessed palm crosses will be available
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday begins the journey of Holy Week. You are invited to this intergenerational service which will include the traditional Procession of the Palms, a child-friendly sermon and Holy Communion. Palm crosses will be available.
Ash Wednesday: 2 services
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the 40-day reflective season of Lent which leads up to Holy Week and Easter. Our main Ash Wednesday service will be at 7:00 p.m. and will include a full musical program. An earlier Ash Wednesday service will be available at 11:00 a.m. - this service will not include music. Both services will include blessed ashes and Holy Communion.
Paws&Pray in carnival season
Bring your dog to church! For this edition of Paws&Pray we will be celebrating Transfiguration Sunday - the mid-point between Christmas and Easter. It's also the last Sunday before the beginning of the season of Lent - meaning it's the height of the Carnival season (Mardi Gras, Shrovetide): you're invited to bring your dog in costume, if you like!
Sunday, February 19th, 2023, 4 pm
Sunday, February 19: annual vestry
All Christ Church Beaurepaire parishioners are urged to stay after the 10:00 am service for the Annual Vestry Meeting. Lunch will be provided.
The Lost and Found Z(S)amenhofs of Montreal... and Beaconsfield
Yevgeniya Amis is inviting you to join her lecture at Beaurepaire-Beaconsfield Historical Society about the Z(S)amenhofs of Montreal and Beaconsfield!
When: Thursday, February 16, 2023, 19:30 - 21:00.
Where: Centennial Hall, 288 Beaconsfield Blvd, Beaconsfield, H9W 4A4
More information:
Lecture in English followed by a bilingual question period. Entrance fee for non-members: $5.
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple — traditionally known as Candlemas — marks the end of the season of the Incarnation, i.e. the long Christmas-Epiphany season. On this day we celebrate the spreading of Christ’s Light in the world as we bless candles for use in the coming year. Sunday, February 5th, 10:00 am.
Knowing our neighbours
Save the date! On January 29th the Rev. Dr. Neil Mancor - Congregational Development Coordinator for the Anglican Diocese of Montreal - will be joining us for worship at Christ Church Beaurepaire and will be speaking with us after the 10:00 service about knowing our neighborhood and ministry context. Please make a special effort to attend, as it's important for all CCB parishioners to participate in this important conversation.
Christmas Day service
A festive service* (mass) for Christmas Morning, complete with traditional Christmas carols and Holy Communion. Music, readings and sermon are *different* from the Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Christmas Eve candlelight service (mass) with Holy Communion and traditional Christmas carols. Bring your family and friends! Visitors, newcomers and spiritual seekers always most welcome!
Blue Christmas - Longest Night
The Christmas season can be difficult for those struggling with grief, sadness, pain, uncertainty or other challenging circumstances. As we come together in worship on this longest night of the year, we can acknowledge our hurts and brokenness, and as we share the Eucharist, give thanks for God's gifts of grace, love and hope.
Paws&Pray Christmas Celebration
Celebrate Christmas with your dog at church! Christmas is a family holiday - and dogs are part of the family too! All dogs (accompanied by their humans) and dog lovers are invited to this festive service of Holy Communion (Communion for humans, blessed dog treats for dogs) for Christmas! Everyone welcome!
Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
A meditative service of scripture readings and Christmas carols led by the Christ Church Beaurepaire Choir.
Family Christmas Pageant
The Sunday School children of Christ Church Beaurepaire will be presenting the annual nativity play during our service of Holy Eucharist for the 3rd Sunday of Advent.
Christmas Tree Lighting
Outdoor Christmas tree lighting, followed by Holy Eucharist (Mass) for the 2nd Sunday of Advent. We will also be collecting winter items (hats, scarves, gloves, socks, etc.) for youth in need. Refreshments will follow the service. Everyone welcome!
Wassail: sing-along
Get into the Christmas Spirit with Christmas music and carol singing, followed by a festive reception (with mulled wine)! Bring along your family, friends and neighbours! Free admission - all donations will go towards Christ Church's Christmas Basket Program for needy families.
All souls’ day: requiem mass
Join us for this (in-person*) service of Holy Eucharist in commemoration of all who have died. Names of the departed will be read, and candles will be lit in memory of those who have died within the last year. You may submit the names of your departed loved ones to the church office: (please indicate if the person died within the last year). All are welcome, regardless of parish or church affiliation. This meditative service will feature music from Fauré's Requiem, traditional Gregorian chant, and congregational hymns.
*The service will also be broadcast live on the CCB Facebook page.
St. Francis day: pet blessing and Paws & Pray
Our annual St. Francis Day Pet Blessing will be held on October 9th at 4:00 pm (all types of pets are welcome!) and will be immediately followed by our dog -friendly worship service (Paws & Pray).
Back to church sunday!
To kick off the fall season we’ve designated next Sunday (Sept. 18th) as Back to Church Sunday. Our service will be intergenerational as we welcome families and children back, and the service will be followed by a barbecue. The church will provide hamburgers and hotdogs, but volunteers are asked to bring sides, salads, desserts, etc. Please RSVP with the church office:
The Big Give 2022
On Saturday, June 4, 2022, the churches of the West Island Network (WIN) will be participating in The Big Give. Food donations received will be donated to West Island Mission, On Rock Community Services, West Island Assistance Fund and Saint Michael’s Mission. Christ Church Beaurepaire will be accepting donations in the main parking lot from 11 am to 2 pm on Saturday, June 4. Volunteers are still needed to help receive the donations and/or drive them to the local distribution point.
Come for our easter services!
Holy Week and Easter Services, 2022 services:
- Thursday, April 14th - Maundy Thursday - 7:00 pm
- Friday, April 15th - Good Friday - 2:00 pm
- Sunday, April 17th - Easter Sunday - 10:00 am
Campaign for Ukraine
Sundays, March 20th and 27th: Campaign for Ukraine. CCB in cooperation of St. Sophie's Orthodox Cathedral will be collecting items for Ukraine, with the emphasis on medicines (antiseptic creams, Tylenol, peroxide, alcohol, bandages) and items for babies (canned premixed baby formula, diapers, baby clothes, etc.). Please note that on March 20th there will be a Ukrainian song (Prayer for Ukraine) featured in our music program. If you can't make it to the 10:00 service, you could drop the items just before or after the service.
church reopens! yay!
In-person Sunday worship services resume February 13th! Congregational singing is allowed, but masks must be worn at all times. In accordance with provincial health regulations, vaccine passports are required for attendance at in-person services.
Candlelight christmas service
December 24th, 7:00 pm. Festive service of Holy Communion for Christmas. All welcome! Bring your family and friends! OUR SERVICE WILL TAKE PLACE, IN-PERSON AND BROADCAST ONLINE. Please bring your proof of vaccination and come earlier to allow time for vaccine passport scanning.
Vaccine passport required
In accordance with the recent provincial directives, vaccine passports will be required for attendance at all in-person worship services until further notice.
Paws & Pray Christmas service!
CCB’s signature dog friendly Paws & Pray Christmas service will take place on December 19th, 4:30 pm. It will be a festive service of Holy Communion with traditional Christmas carols.
Festival of 9 lessons and carols
December 19th, 10:00. A choral service of Nine Lessons and Carols (no Communion at this service; Holy Communion will be celebrated later that day (see Paws & Pray above).
Children’s nativity pageant!
Join us on the 3rd Sunday of Advent (December 19th, 10:00 am) for our children's nativity pageant and service of Holy Communion! This is an in-person service, which will also be broadcast live on the CCB Facebook page.
Advent & Christmas Services*
Children’s Christmas Pageant: Sunday, December 12, 10 am
Festival of Lessons and Carols: Sunday, December 19, 10 am
Paws & Pray Christmas (dogs welcome!): Sunday, December 19, 4:30 pm
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service: Friday, December 24, 7 pm
First Sunday of Christmas: Sunday, December 26, 10 am
Epiphany Worship Service: Sunday, January 2, 10 am
* Holy Communion will be celebrated at all services except the Festival of Lessons and Carols (December 19th).
Wassail Sing-along is back!
Christ Church Beaurepaire's annual Wassail Christmas Carol Sing-along returns this year! Bring your family and friends to come sing your favourite Christmas carols as we begin the holiday season! The Wassail is also a fundraiser for our annual Christmas Basket program to help families in need. You can bring monetary donations for the Christmas Basket program, and/or canned foods for St. Michael's Mission. No registration is required for the sing-along (but masks must be warn at all times) at 7:00 p.m. For the reception following (and possibly another reception before the singing) the singing, however, pre-registration is required as space is limited. Register for the reception here:
Poster: click here.
Celebration of new ministry
On November 6th (Saturday), 2021, at 2:00 pm, the Right Reverend Mary Irwin-Gibson, Bishop of Montreal, will visit Christ Church Beaurepaire to officially induct the Rev. Joel Amis as priest of our parish. Pre-registration is required. Contact the church office if you haven’t received the registration form:
Photo credit: Janet Best.
all souls requiem mass
On Wednesday, November 3rd, at 7:00 pm (in person in the church) we will be having a Requiem Mass for all those who have died. You are invited to submit the names of departed loved ones to the church office: (names will be read during the service). Please indicate if the person has died within the past year and we’ll light a candle for that person.
Paws & Pray - dogs welcome!
On Sunday, October 3rd, 4:30 pm, we’ll be relaunching our dog-friendly monthly Holy Communion Service. Dog owners are encouraged to bring their canine companions though all dog lovers are welcome even unaccompanied by a dog! The service will be immediately preceded (at 4:00 pm) by a blessing of all pets, in observance of Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.
back to church Sunday
To kick off the fall season we’ve designated next Sunday (Sept. 19th) as Back to Church Sunday. Our service will be intergenerational as we welcome families and children back, and the service will be followed by a picnic. Due to current COVID regulations we won’t be having the traditional barbecue, but the church will provide sandwiches etc.
Big give food drive
The BIG GIVE Food Drive will be held on Saturday, June 5 from 11 am to 2:00 pm. Christ Church Beaurepaire will again be a drop-off point for the West Island, collecting food for both On Rock and St. Michael’s Mission. Contact the church office if you would like to volunteer.
CCB pentecost virtual choir!
Listen to our newest congregational choir project, with 15 people who participated! Thank you all! Click here to listen “Breathe on me, Breath of God”.
Sunday School music project!
“Jesus Loves Me”, sung by the children of Christ Church Beaurepaire! Click here.
CCB Easter recordings!
Two new recordings from CCB are available online: Jesus Christ is Risen Today (recorded at home by 14 parishioners and 5 guests and compiled by Sylvia Bruns) and I am the Bread of Life (sung by Yevgeniya Amis).
Dear Christ Church Parishioner,
Alleluia! Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed!
It is a great pleasure, and honour, to be able to celebrate my first Easter with you as your parish priest. This pleasure is even greater as we are able to open for in-person services on Easter Sunday and celebrate Holy Communion together as the Body of Christ on this blessed feast of the Resurrection. And though the situation is in constant flux, for now we plan to remain open for in-person worship every Sunday, and hopefully that will continue uninterrupted as more and more people are vaccinated. Stay tuned for updates, however.
Most of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 has felt like one long, collective Lent for the whole world – every single human being has had to give up something during this time. Likewise, it has been an especially difficult time for our parish as well. Adding to the stress of having no permanent priest for a number of years, the pandemic has placed additional strain on our congregational life together, as well as our finances. The inability to gather to celebrate the Eucharist together has been particularly hard for us as part of the Body of Christ.
Nonetheless, these difficulties have brought opportunities. Barred from gathering in the sacred space of our sanctuary, we found other ways to worship and meet. Broadcasting our services on Facebook live (and, more recently on our website as well) has allowed us to become much more visible to the greater world – exposure which, in time, may well bring new faces into our fellowship. For this reason, even after all pandemic restrictions are lifted, we’ll continue to broadcast our services online in some way.
Our ability to survive and move forward as a parish community in spite of the pandemic demonstrates that neither “height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord”, as St. Paul reminded the Christian community in Rome, suffering from persecution.
Yet even amidst hardships, challenges and uncertainty – even when it feels like we’re living in Lent, or even Good Friday – we remain an Easter people. The promise of resurrection defines who we are. This holds true for the Church as a whole, but for CCB in particular as well. I am convinced that we will emerge from this crisis strong and reinvigorated, sustained and enlivened by the Holy Spirit. We can’t expect this to just “happen”, however. But by working, praying and journeying together – that means each and every one of us – we will become a true beacon of the Light of Christ in Beaconsfield.
May you live the Resurrection Life this Easter season and throughout the coming year!
Yours in Christ,
The Rev. Joel Amis
Christ Church Beaurepaire
Holy Week and Easter services
Maundy Thursday — April 1, 7:00 pm (online)
Good Friday — April 2, 11:00 am (online)
Easter Sunday — April 4, 10:00 (in-person and online)
ccb first Virtual choir project!
Watch the recording of Be Thou My Vision — sung by the parishioners of Christ Church Beaurepaire!
evening prayer: every thursday
CCB invites you to join us in Evening Prayer on Thursday evenings (7:00 pm). Broadcast live from the CCB Facebook page. The service will incorporate both traditional and contemporary worship styles and a variety of liturgies.
CCB Lenten programs
1) What is Anglicanism and where does it come from? This non-credit course (via Zoom) from the Montreal Diocesan Theological College, explores the origins and development of the Anglican tradition. When: 5 Tuesday evenings, February 23 - March 23 at 7pm to 8:30pm. This course is free to all CCB parishioners as Church Beaurepaire is defraying the cost of the course. For more info, contact the church office.
2) EcoFast: A Fast for the Earth! As we ‘Give it up for the Environment’, we explore ways we can impact the environment and humanity in positive ways by giving attention to excesses in our society and engaging in seeking justice as stewards of God's creation. You can follow along using this guide and you can also join participants from CCB and our partner parishes Merging Waters (Beaurepaire United and Union United) and St. George’s for weekly Zoom check-ins (Fridays at 2:00 pm). For more info, contact the church office.
3) Revive Lent (the Lenten Revive group is full, but if you are interested in participating the Revive program in the future, contact the church office).
CCB has a youtube channel!
Go to our YouTube channel and watch all worship services: click here to access the channel — make sure you subscribe! Note that Sunday worship (10 am) and Thursday Evening Prayer (7:00 pm) are broadcast Live on Facebook and the video is available on our YouTube channel later after the service.
Join us for our weekly Facebook live services (with music / hymns)
Our services are broadcast live on our Facebook page every Sunday at 10:00 am. You do not need to have a Facebook account to watch.
welcome to our new priest!
We are happy to welcome our new incumbent, the Rev. Joel Amis! You can read the Bishop’s letter of appointment here.
Earlier this year, Food Banks on the West Island (as elsewhere) advised that, due to demand supplies were getting quite low. On June 6 th Christ Church Beaurepaire, in coordination with the West Island Network of Churches, organized a community food drive. Signs were posted in advance and local residents were invited to drop of food items at Christ Church. The results were… Amazing. Thank you Beaconsfield’s Beaurepaire community for your wonderful support. Christ Church has long history of collected food items for food banks located either downtown or locally. When Sunday church services were not constrained by COVID-19, parishioners would bring all kinds of food items to church. Usually weekly a donation of these items would be made to a food bank. The parish is looking forward to continue this important support and community outreach.
We may not be able to have Church services, but the sun is still shining and the garden is doing very well thank you! Again this year, Christ Church, under the care of Judith Quinn, Ingrid Gellis and Karen Birkett, along with other helpers, have planted a vegetable garden. So far so good. The plants are thriving under this team’s efforts. Given all goes well, we will be able to have the Sunday School help harvest the vegetables during the fall harvest period. All of the vegetables grown are taken to local foodbanks and enjoyed!
We are expecting to hold services again beginning on September 6th! Although the date is tentative, we are optimistic that we will be able to go ahead.
Usually our September “back to church” Sunday is also the date on which we have our Christ Church Beaurepaire BBQ and corn roast. At the moment it is too early to know if this is going to be possible this year.
Please do join us for our true back to church Sunday and hopefully we will all be able to enjoy BBQ’d hamburgers and hot dogs as well as fresh local corn.